Fall is rapidly approaching

Well , it won’t be long and the leaves will be falling. The kids are already back in school and the weather will break. We have had our first District Meeting and our Patriot ‘s Pen & Voice of Democracy have been given to Southern Middle School & Susquehannock High School. I am expecting a large entry this year as I attended the School Board Meeting to let the School Board members know that we need their support & help in the judging of the Post entries.

I would like to introduce our new Canteen Manager, Mr. John Davey. John is a resident of New Freedom and a very knowledgeable person of the Restaurant Industry. He was approved by the Home Association Board of Directors and started working here at Post 7012 on Tuesday September 3, 2024. Don’t forget to welcome him when you are in the Canteen. Dave Reisdorf is still around and will be helping John in anything he may need & I would personally like to thank Dave for all he has done to keep the Canteen running smoothly. I know I appreciate all he has done as President of VFW Post 7012 Auxiliary.

Please remember to support the Canteen & remember we still have the upstairs hall which can be rented for all occasions. I know that John has many new ideas for the menu and he will be implementing things here in the future. John will be instrumental in the Kitchen of our new building. He will have many new ideas and new equipment to work with there. I am really excited with what he has told me about the new building and I know everyone will be excited with it.

I cannot emphasis enough the importance of Post 7012 to the New Freedom Community and the commitment we have to all Veterans. I will open the Post to all organizations who are committed to Veterans Support. We have many Organizations in York and Adams County that directly help Veterans and we will have a New Building to support all Veterans Outreach programs. There is no better place for Veterans to seek assistance than the Veterans Affairs of York County on Pleasant St. In York. You can also seek medical assistance at the office on Eastern Boulevard in York. Please Veterans get the assistance you rightfully deserve.

I intend to try to make this a bi-weekly comment by the Commander of this Post and to update the Veterans Outreach programs available to all Veterans. Please bear with me on this attempt. I will also make a bi-weekly comment on the New Building in the section marked new building. God Bless all Members of Post 7012 and their Families and God Bless America.

Cpt. John S. (Jack) Smith Ret.




80th Anniversary