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It’s the first Taco Tuesday in April and the start of a new week for Post 7012. The canteen opens at 3:00 today and taco production begins at 4:00. We’ll have beef, chicken and shrimp tacos along with taco bowls. Also in the lineup, chicken fajitas and beef, chicken or cheese quesadillas.

Stick around for dessert and the O’s game at 6:35. Reminder: there is an Auxiliary Members meeting at 7:00.

Designated Hitters on tap this week: Michelob Ultra, Yuengling Lager, Miller Lite, South County All Citra, Tröegs Perpetual, and Big Truck Topless Blonde


It’s Raining Wings and Burgers 🍔


The Easter Eve Bunny, O’s, and Trivia at the Canteen today