Monday Newsletter 9.23.24🇺🇸
Have you experienced the excitement and enthusiasm for the future of Post 7012? If “yes”…there’s more to come…if “no”…you need to stop in and see what’s happening. A team of officers, staff and volunteers is in the making. Their goal: to make our VFW the heart of New Freedom.
While you read this, some of the team is meeting to design the optimal kitchen and seating of our future location. Providing an atmosphere for our members to enjoy and be proud of is top priority.
If you haven’t visited our current location recently, we invite you to return and renew a fondness for being part of a club with a purpose in the community. If you’re an active member, we appreciate your continued support and hope you have enjoyed some of the recent additions and events-like our weekend buffets, cash bingos and karaoke nights.
Upcoming events and opportunities at a glance: (more detailed information for each can be found on the calendar section of our website or the events page for Facebook)
🪕9.25.24-Acoustic Jam Session from 6:30-9 in the Blades Dining Room (weekly every Wednesday)
🪖9.26.24- Regular Members/Combat Veterans Meeting at 7:00
💰9.28.24-Cash Bingo at 7:00
🍳*there WILL be Breakfast and Brunch Buffets this weekend, stay tuned for details
🇺🇸10.1.24-Auxiliary Meeting at 7:00
🇺🇸10.10.24-Home Association Meeting at 7:00
💰10.12.24-Cash Bingo
🎤10.19.24-Karaoke Night at 7:00
🪖10.24.24-Regular Members/Combat Veterans meeting at 7:00
🎃10.26.24- Halloween Party at 6:00
Other things to plan for or keep in mind: